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Vertical Leap Training - Should I use the shoes strength training along my Leap?

Theoretically, training shoes with the science seems accurate. After all, muscles and ligaments of us behave like springs. When the springs stretched, they contract strongly. When stretched further, they stronger contracts.

The shoes are designed to increase this further lengthening of the leg muscles and tendons, forcing the leg muscles to hold more power during exercise, and finally make concrete stronger over time. For runners, thatshould produce swifter, more gaits.

The problem is this: it is all theory. When actually measured by a scientific experiment, strength training with plyometric shoes did not bring better results than any in plyometric training shoes regularly, at least in a period of eight weeks .

Why is not the effective strength shoes?

One reason could be a major part of the benefits that accrue from plyometric training may be dueimproved proprioception. This is an increased ability to respond to changes in body position and physical stress of the muscles while participating in a sport. Strength Shoes will wear upgrade proprioception during use, but not necessarily during normal wear. Of course, those shoes are normally used for very often require training, tests, and competitive situations. Shoes normal is most important when it comes to receiving the resultsin the game.

Worst of all, the use of the shoes is also associated with a high risk of injury, at least in a small group of athletes studied. Based on the shin pain problem and the lack of scientifically proven benefits associated with strength-training shoes, the shoes should not be used until further evidence is provided. I do not believe that they help your vertical jump you. Plyometric training, on the other hand, is valuable for athletes, but do yourself a favor: do not completeforce training in Shoes.

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