Many people are considering going to the gym to lose weight given to embark on the implementation of their commitments are not necessary. One of the main reasons people often cite for delaying the start on a healthy way of life by walking the walk or run the cost of shoes. They've seen the ads for $ 150 shoes ( or higher) style is the "ideal" walking shoes or the latest technology "in running shoes. After that, they saw an ad for the other shoe to asimilar claims and costs as much, or they head for the runner's shoe stores and local sales staff told them that they really should purchase a third type of shoe, only costs as much or more.
This leaves many people sitting at home when they have been out walking for weight loss. Either they can not afford to pay that much for a pair of shoes that will probably need to be replaced every few months, or they're confused by all the competing claims asbest walking shoes to buy. Or both. Thousands of people can get healthy and lose weight, rather than sit still. This is very unfortunate, and very unnecessary.
The truth is, for the majority of people spend lots of money on shoes for fitness walking is not necessary. Of course, you should always consult a physician when embarking on any exercise program, and you can check with them to see if you need special shoes. But for the mostpeople, unless you have serious foot problems, low price sports shoes just fine. Try them on at the store, take a few steps in them, and if they feel comfortable, they will almost certainly do better. In fact, more than one study has found that runners and walkers really cheap shoes have fewer injuries than those who wear expensive kind.
Most of the stuff we read and hear about the expensive running and walking shoes are simply marketinghype. Do not let it keep you from improving your health by making the gym your walk until you can afford the "perfect" walking shoes. If the shoes fit (comfortably), wear it! After all, if you're serious about your walking for weight loss program, you will be replacing them in a few months anyway.
See Also : Buy SHOES Now and Pay Later Best Shoes For Women
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