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A Rewind to the History of Shoes

We wear them everyday. shoes have become part of our lifestyle and almost a part of our bodies. You may know the latest trends and developments in shoes, what is in and what is outdated. But it is time for a rewind to the history of shoes. Before the time as we know it, a few privileged people can afford shoes. Until the mass production, people were walking bare feet simply because they are too expensive.

Looking back to the history of shoes, its use may have begun from between 26,000 to 40,000 years ago. A physical anthropologist named Erik Trinkaus examined the thickness of the big toe bones and apparently it has decreased from the said period. Shoes are known to decrease the bone growth resulting to smaller and thinner toes. Based on the facts gathered from the examination of bones, it appears that men and women of the said period may have started wearing them at the time. Leather is the common material in earlier shoes.

They are worn mainly for their functionality and that is protection of the feet. They are usually in use during the colder climate. In the Middle Ages, shoes have started to become a symbol of social status. The shoe design come in long and pointed ones in different proportions. Back then, a pair is identical. There was no such thing as left or right shoe up until the 1800's. Starting from the mid 20th century, shoes have been mass produced and come in rubber, synthetic cloth, plastics and other materials aside from leather. Today, leather made shoes are still the most expensive kind.

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